Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Legal support services in Saudi Arabia are provided in different matters and disputes as per Saudi’s legal systems based on the Kingdom’s basic law (Constitution), Shari’ah, Saudi Ijma and Qias, and modern principles of legal procedures with some changes. These legal services are required in civil, family matters, criminal cases, commercial and corporate matters, real estate, banking and finance, labor and employment matters, etc. 

Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

What are Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia?

Legal support services in Saudi Arabia are those services provided to an individual, businesses, or corporate sector, etc. in different fields based on a Saudi legal system in the conduct of any case or other legal proceeding before an authority or tribunal or any court or giving advice on any legal matter.

Legal support services in Saudi Arabia are provided by qualified professional lawyers and registered law firms. Legal support services in KSA include preparation of legal documents, client representation in court, and consultation on different legal matters or disputes.  Some corporate and industrial applications of legal services include intellectual property law like patenting, licensing, and trademarking, business legal services such as company incorporation and contract development, and other types of legal support services for example: civil law, family law, criminal law, etc. 

Bases of Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Legal Support

There are four bases on which the Saudi legal system is based like any other countries’ legal system.  The legal support services in Saudi Arabia is based on the followings:

  1. Saudi Constitution or Basic Law of Saudi Arabia,
  2. Shari’ah or Islamic Law of Saudi Arabia,
  3. Saudi Ijma and Qias, and 
  4. Modern Principles 

1. Basic Law as Basis of Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Basic Law promulgated in 1992 is also known as de facto Constitution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The Kingdom’s Constitution i.e. Saudi Basic Law is the main source of legal support services in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi legal system including governance, basic rights and duties of citizens function as per basic law of land. Article 8 of the Basic Law says that the Saudi system of governance should be followed by justice, Shura (consultation) and equality as per “Islamic Shari’ah”. 

2. Islamic Shari’ah as Basis of Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

The Shari’ah or Saudi Islamic law is an uncodified set of principles and rules and regulations derived from the Holy Quran and the practices and sayings (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad. All legal support services in Saudi Arabia follow the Kingdom’s Islamic Shari’ah, because it’s also the Saudi legal system for both civil and criminal cases or disputes.

3. Ijma and Qias as Basis of Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Ijma and Qias are the third and fourth sources of Islamic laws in Saudi Arabia. Ijma is the consensus opinion of Islamic Muslim scholars on the rules and principles related to a specific case occurring after the Prophet’s death. In Islamic law the Arabic word ‘Qias’ is an analogical reasoning which is applied for the deduction of legal principles from the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah. So, legal support services in Saudi Arabia including F. Al Tamimi Law Firm qualified lawyers and legal consultants follow the Ijma and Qias in their legal practices. 

4. Modern Principles as Basis of Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Modern principles followed in all types of legal systems of the world are allowed with some differences in Saudi Arabia by the Kingdom’s Islamic law or Shari’ah. The modern principles are considered with some changes when new laws are enacted and implimented to deal with all types of modern business principles and commercial dealings in Saudi Arabia, such as company formation, trademark, etc. Therefore, F. Al Tamini legal commercial consultants are well qualified in modern business principles followed in the Kingdom and their legal support services in Saudi Arabia.

Major Areas of Legal Support Services in KSA

There are different areas where legal support services in Saudi Arabia are required which different general and specialized law firms provide through their learned experienced professional lawyers. 

These major areas of legal services in KSA are:

  1. Legal Support Services in Family, Civil and Criminal Disputes or Cases
  2. Legal Support Services in Litigation of different disputes
  3. Legal Support Services in Corporate Law
  4. Legal Support Services in Commercial Law
  5. Legal Support Services in Merger and Acquisition (M&A)
  6. Legal Support Services in Employment and Migration 
  7. Legal Support Services in Real Estate or Construction Business
  8. Legal Support Services in Insurance Sector
  9. Legal Support Services in Banking and Financial Matter
  10.  Legal Support Services for Execution of Judgments, and 
  11. Legal Support Services in other areas of legal practices in KSA

Specialized Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia

There are different types of legal support services available in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These law services are provided by either a general legal firm or any specialized law firms in Saudi Arabia as per clients’ need of different nature of service, disputes, cases. F. Al Tamimi Law Firm provides legal support services in Saudi Arabia in the different areas of legal practices, for example:

Legal Support Services in KSA in Family Matters/Disputes

Article 10 of the Saudi Basic Law (Constitution) deals with any legal matters or disputes or cases in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our legal team of professional experienced lawyers provide their legal services in the following specialized family matters:

  • Inheritors/Heirs,
  • Limiting Heirs deed
  • Legal matter in marriage
  • Marriage Proof 
  • Domestic violence
  • Marriage Annulment
  • Divorce (Khul’)
  • Proof of Divorce
  • Children Official Visits
  • Child Custody
  • Expenses/entitlements
  • Child support deed
  • Guardianship deed, etc.

Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia in Civil Matters

The Royal Decree NO. M/1 of Saudi Arabia, dated 22/1/1435H (2016) codified a civil law system in Law of Civil Procedures through 242 articles. The civil matters of the Kingdom are governed by the Saudi’s Law of Civil Procedures. F. Al Tamimi experienced lawyers provide legal support services in Saudi Arabia in civil matters or disputes/cases in court of law on competitive fees.

Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia in Criminal Cases

The Royal Decree No. M/39 of October 16, 2001 codified the Law of Criminal Procedure

in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Article 2 of Law of Criminal Procedure states that no person shall be arrested, searched, detained, or imprisoned except in cases provided by law…and he/she shall not be subjected to any torture or degrading treatment. Our specialized lawyers in criminal cases provide legal support services in criminal matters in all local and national courts of KSA.

Legal Support Services in KSA in Commercial & Corporate Matters

Fahad Al Tamimi Law Firm’s qualified experienced lawyers provide quality result oriented legal support services to companies’ clients by understanding their specific businesses and issues to achieve the company’s goals. Our legal services in corporate and commercial matters include the following areas of legal practices:

  • Company incorporation or establishments,
  • Internal reorganizations of a company,
  • Company’s shareholder matters,
  • Companies’ types – LLC, Joint Venture, Partnership, etc.
  • Strategic alliance with other company,
  • Sole trader of a product,
  • Company registration,
  • Due diligence services,
  • Companies’ Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A),
  • Acquisitions & dispositions of businesses,
  • Foreign companies’ branches and representative offices accreditation,
  • Liquidation of companies,
  • Structuring and restructuring of companies,
  • Governance & director’s responsibilities in companies
  • Company’s securities transactions & regulation
  • Commercial fraud, dumping & unfair competition among companies
  • Disputes with board of directors in a company
  • Intellectual property matters, Copyright issues,
  • Business and commercial contracts,
  • Franchising agreements with any branded company,
  • Funds & investment management, debt & claims of companies
  • Terms of business, leasing, 
  • Trademark registration and licensing

Legal Support Services in Saudi in Banking & Finance

The legal support services in KSA are often required in banking and financial matters to the individual, companies or corporate sectors, and other market financial participants including local and global financial institutions doing their businesses in the KIngdom. Fahad Al Tamimi Legal Firm’s experienced lawyers provide legal support services in Saudi Arabia in different banking and financial matters like:

  • Islamic funding and financing,
  • Lending on the basis of asset,
  • Financing to different projects,
  • Financing to aircraft & vessel,
  • Credit facilities,
  • Structured finance
  • Installment & leasing with ownership,
  • Disputes between clients and banks,
  • Collections & acquisitions,
  • Regulation of finances,
  • Development of products,
  • Finance transactions across the borders,
  • Securitizations Right,
  • Financial markets,
  • Debt capital markets,
  • Restructuring of finances,
  • Documentation and negotiation of finance transactions, etc.

Legal Support Services in Saudi Arabia in Real Estate Matters

Real Estate or construction companies required legal support services in KSA in the following matters and disputes, for example:

  • Legal support services for investment projects and construction projects,
  • Contracts for engineering and design works, 
  • Land disputes and litigation,
  • Construction contracts,
  • Frauds in construction work,
  • Illegal construction against the rules,
  • Delay in construction,
  • Defects in construction work,
  • Matters related to the real estate development, 
  • Funding to real estate business,
  • Litigation related to real estate business,
  • Private equity & investment of real estate
  • Tax matters related to real estate transaction
  • Real estate project transfer,
  • Purchase and sale of property, etc.

Legal Support Services in KSA in Labor & Employment Matters

Corporate and business companies need legal support services related to labor and employment matters and issues so that they can focus on business operations to achieve the goal set before. Fahad Al Tamimi provides legal support services in Saudi Arabia in different labor and employment matters or disputes, such as:

  • Employment contracts between employee and company,
  • Contract duration, expiration, and unfair dismissal of employees,
  • Preparation of company bylaws
  • Work permits in Saudi Arabia,
  • Employees’ temporary residence permit,
  • Employees and workers’s Visa related matters, 
  • Right to work and probation period,
  • Relocation of Employees’ relocation and change in duties,
  • Employee’s discipline, discrimination in employment, and immigration.
  • Employment conditions like treatment of professional and managerial post,
  • Matters related leave, compensation, deductions from salary, end-of-service benefits, and health insurance, 
  • Other matters related to employment and labor law applicable in KSA.